Heylone is a one page fully responsive wordpress theme designed and developed for business, portfolio or personal websites.

It is fully responsive theme based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 framework, that makes it readily available for all screen sizes from the bigger ones to smartphones. Its not only responsive whereas it is retina ready also, now no blurry images on your HiDPI and retina devices.





  1. Change the layout of the one page template by just changing the page order.
  2. Manage portfolio items in an easy to use drag drop placer.
  3. Bootstrap 3
  4. Retina Ready & Fully Responsive
  5. 3 Homepage Versions
  6. 12 Prebuilt Color Schemes and choose any color of your choice
  7. Unlimited Color Options
  8. Working Contact Form
  9. Expandable Portfolio Items
  10. Font Awesome Web-Font Icons
  11. Multiple Carousels Effects
  12. Full Width Video Support
  13. XML dummy data install file
  14. SEO Optimized
  15. Touch/swipe support for sliders
  16. Retina Ready
  17. Top Notch Support
  18. Compatible with all latest browsers
  19. Responsive Pricing Tables
  20. Twitter Feed