Jasper is a 3 in 1 theme. it is a very simple, flexible and fully responsive theme (resizing your browser)
With this theme you can create One-page site, perfect for personal use and small agency to present their work. also you can create normal site with many pages for Business, blog or any kind of purpose. additional this theme is woocommerce Shop ready and you can create your shop easily.
This theme has many option to set color for elements, enable/disable or set new background for different sections, change fonts, and also has 15 predefined skin color for different taste. You can design your own site without any programing knowledge. You will have one site with your own style in less time and with minimal effort.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is very important in web design and is a high priority in this theme.
If you love my theme and find it useful, please don’t forget rate It really encourage me to continue, thank you so much in advance!
- 3 in 1 theme
- Single-page
- Multi purpose
- Woocommerce
- Clean, High Class Design Can Be Used for any Purpose and any kine of websites
- Fully Responsive and Optimized for small screen device (iphone, ipad)
- SEO Optimized, HTML5 & CSS 3
- Wide and Boxed Layout
- Easily Enable/Disable responsive features in admin panel
- Translation Ready, Includes the .po and .mo Files
- 8 Awesome Sliders Highly Customized with 1 Premium:
- Revolution Slider ($15 saved)
- Responsive Nivo Slider
- Kwicks Slider
- Showcase Slider
- Cycle Slider
- Roundabout
- Liteaccordion
- TM Slider
- Bgstretcher Slider
- Visual Shortcode Generator
- WooCommerce Ready: create your own Shop and sell anything
- Sticky Header
- 16 Amazing Skins for Different Tastes and Purposes
- Powerful Admin Panel and Very Customizable and Many Options
- Logo Uploader
- Favicon Uploader
- Body Background Uploader
- Page Background Uploader
- 27 Pre-Defined Background Patterns
- Unlimited Color Option with Color Pikcer
- Unlimited Sidebar
- 500+ Google and Cufon Fonts Available
- Font Uploader
- “Load More” for post/blog shortcode
- “Load More” for portfolio shortcode
- 36+ Built-in Shortcodes, with buttons via the visual editor
- 4 Layouts(style) for Single Portfolio Pages
- Normal
- Lightbox
- Inline
- Outline
- 1-4 Column Portfolio
- Ajax Pagination for blog (best choice for single-page)
- 2 Layouts for Portfolio Single Pages (full size, half size)
- 2 Layouts for Post/blog Pages
- 3 Layouts for Post/blog Single Pages (1 sidebar, 2 sidebar, no sidebar)
- Different pagination and Title Place for Single Pages (post & portfolio)
- 2 Type for Gallery Pages
- Normal
- Carousel
- 1-4 Column for Gallery normal type with and without sidebar
- 4 Custom Post Types with Options
- Thumbnail Options
- Static Image
- Slider
- Video
- Light Box Option
- Price Table
- Social Share for Posts
- Social Link on Header
- 8 Footer Layouts
- Recaptcha with Enable/Disable Option
- Third Level Dropdwon Menus
- Easily Upload Custom Backgrounds
- WordPress 3.5+ Ready
- Extensive Documentation Included
- Cross Browser Support
- XML file included
- PSD file included
JASPER create high class website with unique style.
SEO is very important in web design and is a high priority in this theme. The main content is placed before the sidebars regardless of the sidebar position and it is crawled first by search engines. Also the theme use heading (h1, h2, h3,…) tags for titles in order of importance for example the main title has been assigned an “h1” tag that is very powerful SEO feature. “alt” tag for images is supported too. validated html and css. All of these help search engine to analyst your site easily.
You will be able to upload your picture in slider post type and set category for it. Then you can set them for desired slider. You can have different slider with different picture in different page.
- Revolution Slider – premiun responsive slider with many effects and many options for create thumbnail and pagination and custom caption.
- Nivo Slider – beautiful slider with 15+ effects and many options for create thumbnail and pagination and custom caption.
- Kwicks Slider – lovely slider with many options for create different appearance and options for effects and custom caption.
- Showcase Slider – thumbnail slider with options for thumbnail position and effects and caption.
- Cycle Slider – powerful slider with 20+ effect and 20+ easing and options for effects and caption.
- Roundabout – very nicely slider with many shapes to create different appearance and options for effects and caption.
- Liteaccordion – accordion slider that use easing with all options for effects and caption.
- TM Slider – so elegantly slider with 10+ effects with all options for effects and caption.
- Bgstretcher Slider – background slider with pagination and options for effects and images. It can fixed or absolute.
This theme has a boxed and wide style, and can easily be switched between theme. You can use style selector to see both the boxed and wide styles.
This theme comes with 16 predefined color and skin for different taste and purpose, you can change it easily. for preview you can use style selector from right side of the site and choose your desired color. please change the pattern also for better results. enjoy it!
- 500+ fonts available, in addition there is cufon font uploader.
- Unlimited colors for almost all elements.
- Main Background Images – you can set your background for over 9 main sections.
- Page Background Images – you can set desired background for every page regardless body pattern or body background.
- PersianArt – Cycle Posts : you can select between post, portfolio to show latest entries for them, all of them have thumbnail. You can set number of post to show and set limit for text.
- PersianArt – Testimonial : in this widget you can select testimonial to show latest entries for them, all of them have thumbnail. You can set number of post to show and set limit for text.
- PersianArt – Flickr : with this widget you can show flickr images by assign desired ID, you can set number of photo to show and dimension of images and preview size.
- PersianArt – Recent Comment : this is similar to wordpress recent comment but in different style.
- PersianArt – Recent Posts : this widget show latest post/blog, have no thumbnail but you can select category for it and set number of posts to show, also you can place a link at end of widget.
- PersianArt – Recent Twitter : this can show your tweets, you can set number of tweets to show.
- PersianArt – Contact : small contact form, work with and without javascript enabled.
- PersianArt – Side menu : create side menu with different style.
Single Portfolio Page
– 2 Layouts (full anf half style) for single page.
– 4 Layouts for present portfolio single page.
– select sidebar for when portfolio set to blog style.
– Set customer name or website.
– Disable/Enable “author information” and “social icon” for when you set blog style for portfolio.
– 2 position for Title and pagination.
– 3 Different Thumbnail style, Image, Slider and Video and Light Box Option.
Portfolio Page
– 1-4 column thumbnail size.
– Set category, number of item per page, text align, length of title and excerpt.
– Enable/Disable filter, category name, more button, website button, pagination.
Single Blog Page
– select sidebar.
– Disable/Enable “author information” and “social icon”.
– 2 position for Title and pagination.
– 3 Different Thumbnail style, Image, Slider and Video and Light Box Option.
Blog Page
– select sidebar.
– 2 Layouts for blog page.
– Ajax pagination.
– Set category, number of item per page, length of title and excerpt.
– Enable/Disable complete content, pretty photo, tag, continue link, pagination.
Gallery Page
– 2 Type for gallery page.
– 1-4 column thumbnail size for default style.
Contact Page
– Google map – There are 2 positions for Google map in contact pages.
– Form validation – Form validation works with or without JavaScript.
– Recaptcha – Also you can enable Recaptcha for extra security.
Empty Page
– Set content block width for page.
All pages
– Set sidebar, background image, slider and slider category.
– Enable/Disable title, slogan, breadcrumb, footer widget section.
No Images included.