From a product landing page to a wedding announcement site, MISC is robust enough to function in many different ways using built-in WordPress features.
WP Theme Customizer Support
Finally, you can say goodbye to the old-school admin panels of yesterday. MISC utilizes the WordPress “theme customizer” that lets you make color/style changes with a LIVE preview of your edits. SO easy…
- Responsive
- Translation ready (.POT file included)
- Retina ready
- 300+ Font Awesome Icons
- Shortcodes
- Custom full screen image background support
- AJAXed pagination for each page
- Parallax background effect
- WP menu support
- WP theme customizer support
- WP featured thumbnail support (no TimThumb)
- WP widgets support
- Advanced jQuery animations and effects
- Demo content XML included
- Looks pretty on an iPad
- Free Support: