Presentation is a simple, professional theme designed to work seamlessly with Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) or as a regular blog. Presentation also fully supports bbPress!

Presentation comes with several built-in color schemes and just the right amount of options to give you control of your site without flooding you with possibilities.


Presentation Features

  • Seven built-in color schemes
  • Logo uploader that automatically replaces the site title
  • A toggle between full posts or post excerpts
  • Featured post images that can be displayed or hidden for single posts as well as the blog home
  • Social networking profile link builder
  • Footer editor without touching theme files
  • Built-in support for bbPress
  • Built-in support for Jetpack’s sharing buttons
  • EDD store front, checkout, purchase confirmation, purchase history, and members area page templates
  • EDD store front options including the number of store items and paginated downloads pages
  • Chat, Link, and Aside post formats with adjusted styles to emphasize their meanings

…and more. Presentation is designed to be a “plug & play” theme with helpful settings available to you if you need them.