Revostar is a Magazine/News theme including a very clean grid-based layout. The entire home page is 100% customizable via custom widgets allowing you to configure your website just the way you like it. The theme comes with an inbuilt review system (with 5 rating criteria) and 3 post formats (videos, audio & galleries).
Theme Options Panel
Revostar also comes with an extensive option panel where you can edit tons of different aspecs of your site, such as the multi-column footers, header and sidebar ads, insert your Google Analytics code, replace the logo, change theme style and much more!
Theme Features:
- Unlimited skins
- PSD of logos
- 3 Post formats (videos, audio & galleries)
- Localization Support Built In
- Inbuilt review system
- Flexible homepage layout
- Custom theme options panel
- 2 Widget Areas (Sidebar & Footer)
- 2 Advertising Locations (Header & Sidebar)
- 12 Custom widgets
- Home 1-Column
- Home 2-Column
- Home List-Column
- Home pictures
- Tabbed Posts (Popular, Recent, Comments)
- Tabbed Archives (Categories, Pages, Archives)
- Recent/Popular/Random Ratings
- Sponsored Ads
- Featured Videos Widget
- Recent Tweets
- Latest Flickr Photos
- Email Updates Sing-up (Feedburner Integrated)
- Page Templates
- Archives Template
- Full Width (no sidebar)
- Sitemap
- Contact Us
- Author Pages
- Lots of shortcodes
- Youtube & Vimeo videos
- Soundcloud
- Buttons
- Columns
- Dropcap & Highlights
- Check list & Bad list
- Tabs & Toggle
- WordPress 3.4+ Ready
- Easy thumbnails with WP built in function
- 2 Menu Locations (with pre-3.0 logic)