Takeoff is a responsive theme built using Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 framework. Takeoff has a very simple layout and looks great on all devices. The Blog page displays your most recent post with a big featured image and thumbnails appear beside older posts. Single posts have a section at the bottom to show Next and Previous posts to make visitors stay longer on your site. Several options found under Theme Options can customize how your posts page looks. Takeoff also has two Google Fonts, Lato and Roboto. Takeoff is for you if you are looking for a simple, professional and a beautiful theme.
Responsive theme design. Takeoff is built using the Twitter Bootstrap. Everything on the theme is responsive which lets users view your site’s content on any device. Images, Font and Containers will all reduce in size accordingly to fit the screen.
Theme Options. One of the best features of Takeoff is its customization. You can customize most of it without having to code. You can easily change options from Appearance > Theme Options. Options include changing Navigation color, uploading Logo/Footer, Slider and Front Page settings and much more.
Blog Page. A very simple blog page which loads your posts, along with thumbnails which can be set from the Featured Image section and a small excerpt of each post. You can set the number of posts to show from the Reading section in WordPress settings.
Fonts. Takeoff comes with two Google Fonts. We have chosen the best Google font styles and you can choose it from the Appearance > Theme Options page. Any font style you choose has a site wide effect.